Home News Anime Vanguards Tier List – Best Units For Each Gamemode [UPDATE 3.0]

Anime Vanguards Tier List – Best Units For Each Gamemode [UPDATE 3.0]

Author : Stella Mar 15,2025

Conquering stages in Anime Vanguards can be tough, demanding you field only your strongest units. To help you strategically spend your Gems and breeze through the game's content, we've crafted this comprehensive Anime Vanguards tier list.

Anime Vanguards Overall Tier List

Overall tier list of all units in Anime Vanguards for update 3.0 made via TierMaker
Image via TierMaker and Anime Vanguards Wiki

This tier list provides a general ranking of all units in Anime Vanguards, including those currently unavailable, making it useful for evaluating potential trades. It assumes all units are fully evolved and upgraded, similar to the Infinite tier list.

Anime Vanguards Story, Challenges, Raids, and Paragon Tier List

Tier list of all units for Story, Challenges, Paragon, and Raid modes in Anime Vanguards for update 3.0 made via TierMaker
Image via TierMaker and Anime Vanguards Wiki

This list ranks units based on their effectiveness in shorter game modes, considering DPS, upgrade costs, buffs, debuffs, and ability unlocks.

Anime Vanguards Infinite Tier List

Tier list of all units for Infinite modes in Anime Vanguards for update 3.0 made via TierMaker
Image via TierMaker and Anime Vanguards Wiki

Designed for leaderboard contenders, this Infinite mode tier list assumes fully upgraded units and focuses on team synergy and maximized stats.

Anime Vanguards Tournament (Elemental) Tier List

Tier list of all units for Tournaments in Anime Vanguards for update 3.0 made via TierMaker
Image via TierMaker and Anime Vanguards Wiki

This tournament tier list ranks same-element units by overall DPS and utility, considering elemental advantages and weaknesses present in various game modes.

Anime Vanguards Unit List

The following list details evolved units only, as evolution is highly recommended. Pros, cons, and recommended traits are based on evolved and upgraded units.

Vanguard Units

UnitElementDetailsRecommended Traits
Divalo from Anime VanguardsDivaloCosmic Element from Anime VanguardsExcellent DPS and Range; 100% Dodge chance and counter; Bonus DMG against slowed enemies and bosses; 10-second slow ability; Expensive to place and upgrade.Monarch, Ethereal, Blitz
Images via Anime Vanguards Wiki

Exclusive Units

UnitElementDetailsRecommended Traits
Legendary Super Brolzi from Anime VanguardsLegendary Super BrolziNature Element from Anime VanguardsDecent DPS; Excellent Range; Attacks ignore DMG reductions; Increased DMG against enemies with overshield; 100% increased DMG on placement, reduced with each attack (max -66%).Monarch, Ethereal, Deadeye, Blitz
Haruka Rin from Anime VanguardsHaruka RinPassion Element from Anime VanguardsIncreases DMG of nearby units by 18% and Range by 10% after six waves; Excellent support unit.Marksman, Solar, Range 3/2/1, Fortune
Mohato from Anime VanguardsMohatoCurse Element from Anime VanguardsIgnores DMG reductions; 40% increased DMG against enemies with debuffs; Stores 5% DMG per kill (stacks to 200%, released every fourth attack); Decent DPS and Range.Monarch, Ethereal, Deadeye, Solar, Blitz
Tuji from Anime VanguardsTujiUnbound Element from Anime Vanguards50% increased DMG without buffs; Removes shields; At upgrade 11, swaps between increased DMG or increased range and boss DMG; Good DPS and Range; Expensive to upgrade.Monarch, Ethereal, Deadeye, Blitz
Renguko from Anime VanguardsRengukoFire Element from Anime VanguardsInflicts Burn (30% DMG, increases to 50% when upgraded); Up to 20% increased DMG for consecutive attacks; (Upgraded) inflicts debuff for 25% increased Burn damage; Good DPS and Range; Expensive to upgrade.Monarch, Ethereal, Blitz
Mimi from Anime VanguardsMimiNature Element from Anime VanguardsUp to 30% increased DMG and Range per Boulder Toss/Psychic Throw; Decent DPS and Range.Monarch, Ethereal, Deadeye, Blitz
Saiko from Anime VanguardsSaikoUnbound Element from Anime Vanguards25% increased DMG with boss; Inflicts Burn (25% DMG); SPA reduced by 0.5% per Burn (max -15%); Good DPS and Range.Monarch, Ethereal, Blitz
Gilgamesh from Anime VanguardsGilgameshHoly Element from Anime VanguardsUnbound Element from Anime Vanguards(Upgrade 10)Immune to debuffs, ignores 50% DMG reductions; DMG increased by 6% per unit in range (except him, Ishtar, Saber); (Upgrade 10) culls enemies below 10% HP; Active ability deals 350% DMG; Excellent DPS and Range; Very expensive to upgrade.Monarch, Ethereal, Deadeye, Solar, Blitz
Zion from Anime VanguardsZionFire Element from Anime VanguardsInflicts Burn (10% DMG, increases by 3% per attack, max 30%); Range increased by 20% if burning enemy in range; 5% increased DMG per burning enemy (max 50%); Decent DPS and Range.Ethereal, Monarch, Blitz
Pweeny from Anime VanguardsPweenyWater Element from Anime VanguardsDMG increased by 2.5% per attack (max 37.5%); Every 5 attacks, 50% reduced SPA for next two attacks; Decent DPS and Range.Monarch, Ethereal, Deadeye, Solar, Blitz
Okorun from Anime VanguardsOkorunCurse Element from Anime VanguardsEvery fifth attack, 70% DMG and -50% SPA for next attack; Good DPS and Range.Monarch, Ethereal, Deadeye, Solar, Blitz
Julias from Anime VanguardsJuliasWater Element from Anime VanguardsFreezes enemies; -10% SPA after freezing 10 enemies; Up to 56% increased DMG and 35% increased Range; Decent DPS and Range; Long SPA.Ethereal, Blitz, Monarch
Diogo from Anime VanguardsDiogoHoly Element from Anime Vanguards0.3% increased DMG per enemy in range (max 30%); Active ability freezes map, increased DMG and SPA during effect; Very good DPS and Range; Long SPA; Expensive to upgrade.Monarch, Ethereal, Deadeye, Solar, Blitz
Mechamar from Anime VanguardsMechamarFire Element from Anime VanguardsBlast Element from Anime VanguardsApplies Burn (10% DMG); (Upgraded) gains Blast element and 200% increased damage (reduced by 35% per attack, down to -140%); Good Range; Low DPS.Monarch, Deadeye, Ethereal
Images via Anime Vanguards Wiki

Secret Units

UnitElementDetailsRecommended Traits
Igros from Anime VanguardsIgrosCurse Element from Anime VanguardsImmune to Stuns; 25% increased DMG against bosses; 20% increased DMG and 10% increased Range after shadow enters range; Decent DPS and Range; Expensive to upgrade.Monarch, Ethereal, Deadeye, Solar, Blitz
Alocard from Anime VanguardsAlocardUnbound Element from Anime VanguardsApplies Bleed (25% DMG); Applies Wounded to Bleeding enemies (20% increased damage); 10% reduced SPA while Ghouls are on map; DMG increased by 1% per Ghoul kill (max 35%); Low non-bleed DPS; Expensive to upgrade.Monarch, Ethereal, Blitz
Gujo from Anime VanguardsGujoCosmic Element from Anime VanguardsImmune to debuffs; DMG increased by 0.1% per wave; Low CD ability freezes enemies for 10 seconds; During freeze, 50% increased DMG, SPA reduced by 2% per kill (max -10%); Excellent DPS and Range.Monarch, Ethereal, Deadeye, Solar, Blitz
Valentine from Anime VanguardsValentinePassion Element from Anime VanguardsSPA reduced by 5% every 30 kills (max -15%); Immune to debuffs; Reflects debuffs; Decent DPS and Range; Expensive to upgrade.Monarch, Ethereal, Deadeye, Solar, Blitz
Sukono from Anime VanguardsSukonoCurse Element from Anime VanguardsFire Element from Anime Vanguards(Upgrade 9)DMG increased by 1% per kill during domain; (Pre-upgrade 9) applies debuff for 20% increased bleed damage; (Upgrade 9) gains Fire element, 40% increased DMG, and stun immunity; Good DPS and Range; Expensive to upgrade.Monarch, Ethereal, Deadeye, Solar, Blitz
Images via Anime Vanguards Wiki

Mythic Units

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UnitElementDetailsRecommended Traits
Ishtar from Anime VanguardsIshtarHoly Element from Anime VanguardsUp to 50% increased DMG; Buffs other Fate units; Full AoE active ability.Monarch, Ethereal, Solar, Blitz, Marksman
Jag-o from Anime VanguardsJag-oFire Element from Anime VanguardsInflicts Burn (30% DMG); Ability makes him full AoE, 50% increased damage against burning enemies; Good DPS and Range.Ethereal, Blitz, Monarch
Sosuke (Storm) from Anime VanguardsSosukeSpark Element from Anime Vanguards2% increased DMG per attack on same enemy; Attacks Stun enemies, 50% increased damage to Stunned enemies; Decent DPS and excellent Range; Cheap to upgrade.Ethereal, Monarch, Blitz
Noruto (Nine-tails) from Anime VanguardsNorutoUnbound Element from Anime VanguardsPermanently reduced SPA after 6 seconds without attacking; Permanently increased DMG with each attack (max +36%); Excellent Range; Low DPS.Ethereal, Monarch, Blitz
Song Jinwu from Anime VanguardsSong JinwuCurse Element from Anime VanguardsDMG increases per kill (max 40%); After 40 kills, spawns 15 Shadows and 5 Shadow Knights; He and Igros units in range get up to 25% increased DMG when summons kill enemies; Excellent range; Expensive to upgrade.Monarch, Ethereal, Blitz
Obita from Anime VanguardsObitaFire Element from Anime VanguardsInflicts Burn (30% DMG); Very good DPS and Range; Cheap to upgrade.Monarch, Ethereal, Blitz
Akazo from Anime VanguardsAkazoWater Element from Anime VanguardsDebuffs are 33% shorter; With ability, Stun immunity and 33% increased DMG and Range; Good DPS and Range.Ethereal, Monarch, Blitz
Chaso from Anime VanguardsChasoUnbound Element from Anime VanguardsApplies Bleed (35% DMG); DMG increases by 5% per attack on bleeding enemy (max 50%); Cheap to Upgrade; Only decent DPS and Range.Monarch, Ethereal, Deadeye, Solar, Blitz
Johnni from Anime VanguardsJohnniBlast Element from Anime Vanguards25% reduced SPA on placement; Good DPS and Range; Every 10 attacks, 25% increased DMG and SPA (overall DPS loss).Ethereal, Monarch, Blitz
Medusa from Anime VanguardsMedusaPassion Element from Anime VanguardsApplies Bleed (30% DMG); Increased damage for each enemy debuff; Ability freezes enemies for 3 seconds (15-second cooldown); Very high DPS and good Range.Monarch, Ethereal, Deadeye, Solar, Blitz
Giro from Anime VanguardsGiroNature Element from Anime VanguardsAttacks drop Steel Balls (20% DMG DoT); Huge DPS increase after Golden State; Very high DPS and Range; Expensive to upgrade.Monarch, Ethereal, Blitz
Cha-In from Anime VanguardsCha-InHoly Element from Anime Vanguards20% base Critical chance, 15% more against bosses; 50% increased Critical Damage; 100% chance to dodge attacks; Decent DPS; Very big Range; Cheap to upgrade.Deadeye, Ethereal, Solar, Monarch, Blitz
Saber from Anime VanguardsSaberHoly Element from Anime VanguardsStun immunity; Buffs to DMG, SPA, and Range when upgraded; Very high damage ability (increased DMG with kills); Very high DPS and Range; Expensive to upgrade.Monarch, Ethereal, Deadeye, Blitz