This guide explains the lock-on targeting system in Hyper Light Breaker, a crucial mechanic often left unexplained. While lock-on provides focused combat against single enemies, it's not always the best strategy.
How to Target Enemies:
To lock onto an enemy, center your view on them and press the right analog stick (R3). The game automatically selects the closest target, unless it's within a large enemy group. A reticle appears around your target, and the camera zooms slightly. Line of sight isn't required; the enemy just needs to be visible and within range.
While locked on, your character's movement will tend to circle the target. Fast-moving enemies can make the camera spin rapidly, potentially altering your movement inputs. To switch targets, use the right analog stick to select a nearby enemy. Pressing R3 again cancels the lock-on, returning to the default free camera. The lock-on also automatically cancels if you move too far from the target.
When to Lock On vs. Free Cam:
Lock-on excels in one-on-one fights, particularly against bosses or strong (yellow health bar) enemies – after eliminating other mobs. The focused camera leaves you vulnerable to attacks from enemies outside your immediate view.
Free cam is generally superior for multiple enemies or weaker foes. Lock-on can hinder your ability to react to surrounding threats. Against mini-bosses or bosses, use lock-on only after clearing other enemies. Cancel the lock-on if more enemies appear, then re-engage when the boss is isolated.
For example, during Extraction, clear all regular enemies before locking onto the mini-boss to maintain situational awareness and avoid distractions.