首頁 新聞 地獄2:裝甲被動層列表


作者 : Allison Feb 18,2025

Helldivers 2裝甲消極:綜合指南和層列表

Helldivers 2將裝甲分為光線,中等和重型類型,每種都會影響移動性和防禦能力。但是,真正的力量在於裝甲的被動 - 有效的特權大大改變了遊戲玩法。本指南詳細介紹了所有被動措施,並提供了一個層列表,以幫助您優化負載。



Armor PassiveDescription
Acclimated50% resistance to acid, electrical, fire, and gas damage.
Advanced Filtration80% resistance to gas damage.
Democracy Protects50% chance to survive lethal attacks (like headshots); prevents chest injuries (like internal bleeding).
Electrical Conduit95% resistance to lightning arc damage.
Engineering Kit+2 grenade capacity; 30% recoil reduction when crouching or prone.
Extra Padding+50 armor rating.
Fortified50% resistance to explosive damage; 30% recoil reduction when crouching or prone.
Inflammable75% resistance to fire damage.
Med-Kit+2 stim capacity; +2 seconds additional stim duration.
Peak Physique100% increased melee damage; improved weapon handling (reduced weapon movement drag).
Scout30% reduced enemy detection range; map markers generate radar scans revealing nearby enemies.
Servo-Assisted30% increased throwing range; 50% additional limb health.
Siege-Ready30% increased primary weapon reload speed; 30% increased primary weapon ammo capacity.
Unflinching95% reduced recoil flinching.



TierArmor PassiveWhy?
**S**Engineering KitExtra grenades are invaluable for various tasks: closing bug holes, destroying fabricators/warp ships, using thermites, and stunning enemies.
Med-KitIncreased stim capacity and duration drastically improves survivability, especially when combined with the Experimental Infusion booster.
Siege-ReadySignificantly boosts ammo capacity and reload speed for primary weapons, making it easier to handle large enemy groups, particularly with high-ammo weapons.
**A**Democracy ProtectsProvides a substantial early-game defense boost, increasing survival against lethal attacks.
Extra PaddingOffers straightforward, consistent armor rating increase for improved defense against all damage types.
FortifiedExtremely useful overall, but especially effective against Automatons, improving survivability against their explosive attacks.
Servo-AssistedParticularly beneficial against Terminids; increased throwing range allows safer stratagem deployment and grenade use, while extra limb health mitigates claw attacks.
**B**Peak PhysiqueLess useful as melee combat is generally avoided; the weapon handling improvement is helpful against mobile enemies, but other options often provide better solutions.
InflammableIdeal for fire-based builds and situations with fire-based hazards (like fire tornadoes); effective against Terminids and Illuminate.
ScoutUseful for revealing enemy positions, but its value is limited by its lack of highlighting points of interest or side objectives.
**C**AcclimatedProvides limited value as you rarely face all four elemental damage types in a single mission.
Advanced FiltrationOnly useful for gas-based builds, and even then, the overall benefits are not substantial.
Electrical ConduitPrimarily useful against the Illuminate, but other passives are often more effective, unless friendly fire is a major concern.
UnflinchingThe reduction in recoil flinching provides minimal impact on combat effectiveness.

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