The highly anticipated live-action adaptation of the Yakuza series, Like a Dragon, will notably omit the beloved karaoke minigame, a staple of the franchise since Yakuza 3 (2009). This decision, revealed by executive producer Erik Barmack, has sparked reactions among fans.
Karaoke's Potential Future Inclusion
Barmack stated that while karaoke is absent from the initial six-episode run due to the need to condense the extensive source material, its inclusion in future seasons remains a possibility. This is further fueled by actor Ryoma Takeuchi (portraying Kazuma Kiryu) being a frequent karaoke enthusiast. The limited episode count necessitates prioritizing the main narrative, potentially overshadowing side activities like karaoke in this first adaptation.
The omission, however, hasn't dampened all enthusiasm. The success of the series could open doors for expanded storylines and future seasons, potentially incorporating the much-loved karaoke feature, including the iconic "Baka Mitai" song.
Fan Reactions and Adaptation Concerns
Despite optimism, the absence of karaoke has raised concerns about the series' overall tone. Fans worry a heavier emphasis on serious drama might neglect the comedic elements and quirky side stories that define the Yakuza franchise. The success of faithful adaptations like Prime Video's Fallout (65 million viewers in two weeks) contrasts with the negative reception of Netflix's Resident Evil (2022), criticized for deviating from the source material.
RGG Studio Director Masayoshi Yokoyama described the series as a "bold adaptation," aiming for a fresh experience rather than a mere replication. He assured fans that the show will retain elements of the series' quirky charm, promising moments that will keep viewers "grinning the whole time."
The specifics remain undisclosed, but Yokoyama's comments suggest the live-action adaptation will retain some of the franchise's signature humor, even without the karaoke minigame in its initial run.