Destiny 2 Update addresses numerous community-reported issues and implements significant gameplay adjustments. Recent updates, including the "Into the Light" and "The Final Shape" expansions, have boosted the game's popularity, but challenges remained. This patch tackles several of these, focusing on improvements to the Pathfinder system and Dungeon/Raid balance.
Player feedback highlighted problems with the Ritual Pathfinder system, particularly the mixed node assignments requiring activity switching and disrupting streak bonuses. Update refines this system, replacing Gambit-specific nodes with more versatile options, allowing completion through either PvE or PvP activities.
Another key change involves the removal of elemental surges from Dungeons and Raids. Following player reports of increased difficulty, Bungie analyzed encounter data and decided to remove surges, instead granting a universal damage buff to all subclasses and Kinetic damage types.
This update also resolves a widely exploited glitch in the Dual Destiny exotic mission that allowed players to obtain double Exotic class items. This exploit has been patched.
The patch notes detail numerous other fixes, including:
Crucible: Resolved issues with Trials of Osiris playlist requirements and Trace Rifle ammo counts.
Campaign: Added an Epilogue option to rewatch Excision cinematics and fixed a matchmaking issue in Liminality.
Cooperative Focus Missions: Addressed an unlocking issue.
Raids & Dungeons: Eliminated elemental surges and applied a universal damage buff.
Seasonal Activities: Fixed a Piston Hammer charge reset issue (previously addressed in a mid-week update).
Gameplay and Investment: Addressed various ability, armor, and weapon issues, including fixes for Storm Grenade energy, Precious Scars activation, Riposte weapon rolls, and Sword Wolfpack Round interactions.
Quests: Resolved issues with the "On the Offensive" quest, Dyadic Prism dismantling, and Khvostov 7G-0X acquisition.
Pathfinder: Implemented further fixes to address tracking, Ergo Sum drops, and Urban Parkour objective updates.
Emotes: Fixed issues with The Final Slice finisher and the D&D Emote.
Platforms and Systems: Resolved a VFX overheating issue on Xbox consoles.
General: Corrected a Ghost shader reward and a Bungie Rewards Director Dialog image scaling issue. Players who previously received the incorrect Ghost shader will receive the correct one automatically upon login.