Embark on a Lovecraftian deck-building adventure as the Keeper of Secrets, newly enrolled at Mythag University. This world is fading. Centuries ago, the Dissolution arrived silently, erasing life, consciousness, and memories – everything humanity held dear. Mythag University, one of the few aware of this hidden catastrophe, fights back by awakening powers linked to the Dissolution's source and harnessing humanoid weapons teetering on the brink of madness. If all is destined for oblivion, will you bear witness to a world once vibrant? Will you shoulder this secret and persevere? Guided by the Silver Key, your journey begins amidst crumbling gravestones.
Welcome, Keeper of Secrets. In this misty, British-inspired world, you safeguard the secrets of ages for the sake of all life. The grace and power to combat the Dissolution will be your constant companions. Assemble your team, awaken those sharing the disaster's origins, navigate challenging roguelite levels, and unravel unspeakable truths through strategic gameplay. This epic, multi-chapter story awaits, revealing truth amidst the ruins.