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Mita 墨盒:轻松解锁最佳打印性能

作者 : Aaliyah Jan 25,2025

MiSide:查找所有 13 个 Mita 墨盒的完整指南

MiSide 是一款心理恐怖游戏,为玩家呈现令人毛骨悚然的故事情节,并寻找隐藏的收藏品:Mita Cartridges。 收集全部 13 个即可解锁“嗨,Mita”成就。 这些卡带散布在游戏的各个章节中,为神秘的 Mita 角色提供了额外的背景故事。 如果您在第一次玩游戏时错过了一些内容,请不要担心;您可以稍后重新访问章节来收集它们。


Mita Cartridge Chapter Location
Mita - Unlocked automatically upon entering the virtual world.
Chibi Mita Mini Mita On the stool to the left, before forging the Giant Key.
Short-Haired Mita Mini Mita On the table next to the mirror in the bedroom of game version 1.15, after the Dummy Mita cutscene.
Kind Mita Reboot On the computer desk in the bedroom, after the encounter with Crazy Mita in the bathroom.
Cap-Wearing Mita Beyond the World On top of the TV set in the kitchen.
Tiny Mita The Loop On the table next to Tiny Mita in the looping hallway.
Dummy Mita Dummies and Forgotten Puzzles In one of the Dummy Mita's hands before climbing the ladder in the sewer area.
Ghostly Mita Dummies and Forgotten Puzzles On a shelf near some boxes in Ghostly Mita's bedroom, immediately to the right after entering the room.
Sleepy Mita She Just Wants to Sleep On the shelf above the air vent in the bathroom.
2D Mita Novels On the side table under the window in the kitchen (choose the kitchen option when presented with a choice).
Mila Reading Books, Destroying Glitches On the coffee table in front of the TV in the living room.
Creepy Mita Old Version On the kitchen counter near the fruit bowl, after the cutscene in Creepy Mita's bedroom.
Core Mita Reboot Accessed via "Advanced Functions" and "Get Flash Drive" on the Core Computer during the True Ending.

这份全面的指南可确保您找到每个 Mita 墨盒并在 MiSide 中实现“嗨,Mita”成就。

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