首页 新闻 如何修复公共漫威竞争对手错误代码


作者 : Liam Feb 22,2025


故障排除 漫威竞争对手 错误代码:综合指南

不幸的是,遇到错误和错误代码在现代游戏中很常见, Marvel竞争对手 也不例外。本指南为经常报告的错误代码提供了解决方案,可帮助您快速重返游戏。

Error CodeDescriptionTroubleshooting Steps
Error 4Frequently appears on PlayStation, but can also occur on PC.1. Check your internet connection. 2. Verify *Marvel Rivals* server status. 3. Relaunch the game.
99% Loading BugPlayers become stuck at 99% during match loading.1. Check your internet connection. 2. Close unnecessary background applications. 3. Adjust your Network Diagnostic Settings.
Error 211Commonly seen when launching via Steam, indicating connection problems.1. Verify *Marvel Rivals* server status. 2. Disable any third-party server blockers. 3. Check your internet connection. 4. Verify game files integrity.
Error 10Appears on launch, usually due to poor internet connection.1. Check your internet connection. 2. Relaunch *Marvel Rivals*. 3. Verify *Marvel Rivals* server status.
Error 220May be caused by server location or firewall settings.1. Adjust your security firewall settings. 2. Adjust your DNS settings. 3. Disable third-party server blockers. 4. Try using a VPN.
Error 21Sometimes encountered by Xbox players on launch.1. Restart your console. 2. Reset your router. 3. Verify *Marvel Rivals* server status. 4. Disable IPv6 on your internet connection. 5. Try using a VPN.
Error 5Specific to PlayStation players; indicates high ping and packet loss.Address high ping and packet loss (see solutions for Packet Loss Error).
Error 26Prevents gameplay.1. Check your internet connection. 2. Disable your VPN (if using one). 3. Clear cache files. 4. Verify game files integrity.
Packet Loss ErrorHigh ping and packet loss due to latency spikes.1. Check your internet connection. 2. Close unnecessary background applications. 3. Adjust your Network Diagnostic Settings.
DX12 Not SupportedGame fails to launch due to unsupported DX12; often related to Windows updates or GPU incompatibility.1. Update to the latest Windows version. 2. Update your GPU drivers. 3. Reinstall *Marvel Rivals*.
Error Code 258Login failure via PC launcher (often Epic Games Store).Consult Epic Games Store support for specific troubleshooting.
Error LS-0014Specific to Epic Games Store users.1. Check your antivirus software. 2. Verify game files integrity. 3. Reinstall the game.
Igniting the TimestreamOccurs during matchmaking.1. Verify *Marvel Rivals* server status. 2. Restart the game.

3 \。检查您的互联网连接。

游戏更新后出现版本不匹配 。验证游戏文件的完整性。
3。检查您的Internet连接。 <视频存储器由于VRAM不足而导致的游戏玩法。 1。检查您的VRAM使用情况。
3。关闭不必要的背景应用程序。蓝屏错误 一个关键的系统错误。< 1。进行GPU驱动程序的干净安装。
3。运行Windows内存诊断工具。服务器连接失败由于Internet连接问题而导致的常见错误。验证 Marvel竞争对手 服务器状态。
2。检查您的Internet连接。 > 注意:许多错误源于连接性问题。确保稳定的Wi-Fi连接并考虑重新启动设备。

  • Marvel竞争对手*可在PS5,PC和Xbox系列X | S上使用。
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