首页 应用 车辆与交通 Car Key: Smart Car Remote Lock
Car Key: Smart Car Remote Lock

Car Key: Smart Car Remote Lock 评分 : 4.3


通过连接智能汽车钥匙,可以在Google Play上使用智能汽车钥匙来解锁车辆的最终便利和控制。 This comprehensive smart car key app provides complete control and real-time tracking of your vehicle's location, enhancing both security and convenience.

体验最好的通用汽车遥控应用程序。检查您的汽车状态,与他人共享访问,找到您的车辆,高效导航等等。 Smart Car Key Connected is compatible with 20+ car makes, including Audi, BMW, Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Chrysler, Dodge, Ford, GMC, Hyundai, Jaguar, Jeep, Land Rover, Lexus, Lincoln, Ram Trucks, Tesla, Toyota, and Volkswagen.该应用程序提供逐步设置说明。



  1. 远程锁定/解锁:安全地锁定并从任何地方解锁汽车门,消除了丢失或被遗忘的钥匙的担忧。无需接近;只需点击锁定或解锁即可。
  2. Real-time Vehicle Status: Monitor key vehicle data, including fuel level, battery charge, odometer, trip mileage, and receive crucial safety alerts, such as low tire pressure, helping you prevent potential accidents or breakdowns.
  3. 智能导航:轻松找到您的汽车,并找到通往附近停车场,加油站或电动汽车充电站的最快路线。

Smart Car Key Connected is the ultimate tool for car owners, providing real-time vehicle monitoring, car sharing capabilities, efficient location services, and smart navigation.无论您是汽车爱好者还是只是寻求增强的车辆控制,连接的智能汽车钥匙都是您的#1应用程序。


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  • 提供3天的免费试用版。
  • 除非自动续订至少在当前期间结束前24小时关闭自动续订,否则订阅将自动续订。
  • 您的帐户将在当前期间结束前24小时内收取续订费用。续签成本将清晰显示。
  • 购买后,管理您的订阅并关闭您的帐户设置中的自动续订。

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Car Key: Smart Car Remote Lock应用截图第0张
Car Key: Smart Car Remote Lock应用截图第1张
Car Key: Smart Car Remote Lock应用截图第2张
Car Key: Smart Car Remote Lock应用截图第3张
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