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Path of Exile 2: Stellar Amulets Explained

作者 : Joseph Jan 24,2025

Path of Exile 2: The High Value of White Stellar Amulets

Path of Exile 2's trade channels are constantly buzzing with requests for White Stellar Amulets, often fetching 10-15 Exalted Orbs each. This high demand leaves many players wondering why these amulets are so valuable. The answer lies in their potential for transformation into a highly sought-after unique item.

Why are White Stellar Amulets so Valuable?

The secret lies in their use with the Orb of Chance. Normal (white) Stellar Amulets, possessing only the implicit "+# to All Attributes," can be transformed into the incredibly powerful Astramentis Stellar Amulet.

Astramentis boasts a massive attribute bonus (+80-120 to All Attributes), synergizing perfectly with items like the Hand of Wisdom and Action Furtive Wraps, another top-tier unique. This combination significantly boosts attack speed and lightning damage.

Crucially, only white Stellar Amulets can yield Astramentis. Magic (blue) or Rare (yellow) amulets won't work, making the normal variant exceptionally valuable.

To Sell or to Gamble? That is the Question

The odds of successfully crafting Astramentis are extremely low. Even using numerous amulets doesn't guarantee success. While a lucky strike is always possible, it's a high-risk, high-reward gamble.

Selling a White Stellar Amulet will net you a substantial profit (10-30 Exalted Orbs depending on market fluctuations). The choice is yours: secure profits or chase the legendary Astramentis.

Using the Orb of Chance for Astramentis

To attempt the transformation, simply right-click the Orb of Chance and left-click on the White Stellar Amulet. The results are:

  • Destruction: The amulet is lost.
  • Unique Item: If successful, the amulet transforms into a unique. The possibilities are:
    • Astramentis (highly desirable)
    • Fixation of Yix (less desirable)

The far more common outcome is Fixation of Yix, making Astramentis a rare and valuable prize. Weigh the risks and rewards carefully before attempting this gamble.

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