首頁 新聞 最佳Isekai傳奇:醒來的英雄揭示了


作者 : Benjamin Feb 07,2025

Isekai Saga:醒來,令人著迷的新怠速RPG,具有廣泛的GACHA係統,可讓玩家召喚並收集可愛的Chibi Waifus!該層列表突出了遊戲最有力的英雄,以加速您的進步。 英雄被歸類為層,S-tier代表了最弱的最強和B層。在下麵探索英雄排名!


Isekai Saga: Awaken Tier List for the Strongest HeroesSiren, a 5-star blue elemental Warrior, boasts the Nomad Flute Blade active ability. This ability targets a single enemy, inflicting magical damage while simultaneously healing the allied hero with the lowest HP by absorbing 30% of the inflicted damage. Her basic attacks deal magical damage to a single enemy.
Isekai Saga: Awaken Tier List for the Strongest HeroesSiren, a 5-star blue elemental Warrior, boasts the Nomad Flute Blade active ability. This ability targets a single enemy, inflicting magical damage while simultaneously healing the allied hero with the lowest HP by absorbing 30% of the inflicted damage. Her basic attacks deal magical damage to a single enemy.

Enhance your Isekai Saga: Awaken experience by playing on a larger screen using BlueStacks. Enjoy improved gameplay with keyboard and mouse controls on your PC or laptop.

Enhance your Isekai Saga: Awaken experience by playing on a larger screen using BlueStacks. Enjoy improved gameplay with keyboard and mouse controls on your PC or laptop.[🎜] [🎜]
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