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作者 : Evelyn Feb 15,2025





  • 在暗黑破壞神4季7中獲得所有新的獨特物品
  • 獨特的齒輪采集的替代方法



Unique ItemClassEffectFarming Location
Mantle of the Mountain’s Fury (Chest Armor)Barbarian100% Hammer of the Ancients damage for 5 seconds after an Earthquake explodes. Hammer of the Ancients creates a seismic line dealing damage and slowing enemies by 100% for 4 seconds. Earthquakes encountered are consumed and deal their total damage.The Beast in the Ice
Malefic Crescent (Amulet)Druid25% Resistance to all Elements. Lupine Ferocity’s consecutive Critical Strike Damage increased to 150-200% against consecutively critted enemies.Lord Zir
Indira’s Memory (Pants)NecromancerCasting Bone Spear reduces Blood Wave’s cooldown by 2 seconds. Blood Wave becomes a Bone Skill, spawning a Bone Prison and increasing Blood Skill damage by 40-80% for 8 seconds. Bone Spear becomes a Blood Skill, draining 10% Maximum Life per cast to consume a corpse and launch a new Bone Spear.The Beast in the Ice
Kessime’s Legacy (Pants)NecromancerCasting Blood Wave fortifies you for 70% of Maximum Life. Blood Wave creates two waves converging at your feet, pulling in and damaging enemies. Each enemy hit takes 5-10% increased damage from Blood Waves (up to 150-300%).Lord Zir
Assassin’s Stride (Boots)RogueCasting a Mobility Skill grants +100% Movement Speed for 2 seconds. Mobility Skills are Shadow Imbued with 40-80% increased potency. Lucky Hit: Damaging an Elite or Boss with a Mobility Skill has a 40-80% chance to trigger a free Shadow Imbuement explosion.Lord Zir
Strike of Stormhorn (Focus)SorcererChance for Ball Lightning to cast twice becomes a chance to cast Super Ball Lightning. Ball Lightning splashes for 60-100% increased damage, stunning enemies for 1 second at max range. Super Ball Lightning is larger, deals 125% more damage, has a higher Lucky Hit chance, and a 3-second stun.The Beast in the Ice
Okun’s Catalyst (Focus)SorcererCast Ball Lightning while moving. Ball Lightning orbits, creating a static field damaging enemies for 140-180% of Ball Lightning’s damage per ball, granting Unhindered.Lord Zir
Sustained War-Crozier (Quarterstaff)Spiritborn45% Block Chance. Focus Skills benefit from all upgrades and increase Potency Skill damage by 10-20% for 8 seconds (up to 100-200%).Varshan




  • 地獄箱 -Kurast Undercity
  • 地獄部落



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