Rack up those high scores with Merry Gold
Get the chance to hit a Called Shot Home Run
Tinker with new Skins just because
Haegin is welcoming a new batter to Homerun Clash 2: Legends Derby, letting you unleash the powerful skills of Merry Gold onto the pitch to teach all your foes a lesson. This gorgeous female batter not only packs a punch with her looks but also deals additional combos when her Unique Ability is activated - in particular, this ability called "Hollywood" will activate once her hit gauge is all filled up.
您現在可以嚐試新方法來提高 Homerun Clash 2: Legends Derby 中的高分,特別是因為 Merry Gold 的能力可以讓您在好萊塢活躍時積累額外的連擊。
與此同時,新的“Mega Chance”技能可能會讓您有機會打出“呼叫全壘打”來獲得更多分數。當然,當你打出所有這些本壘打時,你也需要看起來非常酷 - 這就是新皮膚發揮作用的地方。
這些讓您可以更換擊球手的服裝,同時在購買時賺取積分。皮膚積分提供特殊獎勵效果,讓美麗真正有內涵。尋求更多移動運動模擬?查看我們的最佳 Android 體育遊戲列表。
同時,在 App Store 和 Google Play 上玩 Homerun Clash 2: Legends Derby。該遊戲免費,可通過應用內購買進行遊戲。
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