Welcome to the captivating world of the Witches Trainer. As the last remaining magical education institute, the academy has been struck by a devastating virus unleashed by the sinister Darkfeathers. Countless lives have been lost or affected by this deadly illness, and its true nature is yet to be fully understood. With the campus doctor falling victim to the virus, the responsibility falls upon you to save the academy. Armed with a powerful suppressor developed by the Higher Administration of the magical society, your task is to spray the students and teachers, containing the virus. Little do you know, this vital duty will uncover unforeseen mysteries lurking within the ancient castle's walls and its surrounding areas. The fate of the magical world is now in your hands. Will you rise to the challenge and protect it from the impending dangers? The choice is yours.
Features of Witches Trainer:
- Unique and captivating storyline set in a well-known universe.
- Play as the last hope of the Academy of Witchery and Magic.
- Use a powerful suppressor to spray and protect students and teachers.
- Explore the mysteries of an ancient academy's castle and its outskirts.
- Experience the thrill of uncovering the true effects of an evolving virus.
- Determine the fate of the magical world and face new dangers.
Step into the role of the last hope for the Academy of Witchery and Magic in this Witches Trainer. As a deadly virus ravages the school, it's up to you to use the powerful suppressor developed by the magical society to protect the students and teachers. But be prepared for unforeseen mysteries and challenges lurking within the ancient castle and its surroundings. Uncover the true effects of the virus and decide the fate of the magical world. Download now and embark on an epic adventure that will keep you hooked from start to finish.