The game follows renowned food critics on a global quest for a legendary ingredient. Players control charming Waifoods characters, navigating challenging restaurants and exceeding the expectations of culinary experts.
The addictive match-3 gameplay adds another layer of excitement to this already engaging narrative. Prepare for hours of fun as you explore the world's diverse culinary scene!
Waifoods Key Features:
❤️ Gacha Character Collection: Collect a cast of unique Waifoods characters.
❤️ Match-3 Challenge: Test your skills with exciting match-3 puzzles.
❤️ Visual Novel Story: Immerse yourself in a compelling visual novel storyline.
❤️ Cross-Platform Play: Enjoy the game on PC or Android.
❤️ Culinary Theme: Explore a world of restaurants and culinary delights in your search for the original ingredient.
❤️ Expert Expectations: Overcome challenges to impress demanding culinary experts.
Final Verdict:
Waifoods offers a delectable fusion of gacha, match-3, and visual novel elements. Collect characters, master the match-3 puzzles, and uncover the secrets of gastronomy. Download Waifoods now for PC and Android and embark on an unforgettable culinary adventure!