Create multiple shopping lists and share them with your housemates, benefiting from intelligent suggestions for commonly purchased items. Fairly distribute chores using a points-based task management system. Split bills in seconds and maintain a clear overview of group spending. Keep everyone informed with a shared calendar and integrated chat, complete with polling features for quick decision-making. Easily invite flatmates via a simple link, and enjoy offline access to key features. Unlock even more amazing features with OurFlat Pro!
Download OurFlat today and simplify your shared living. Follow us on social media for user surveys and helpful tips. Feedback or suggestions? Contact us at [email protected]
Key Features:
- Instant Access: No sign-up or lengthy setup required. Start using OurFlat immediately.
- Smart Grocery Lists: Create, share, and manage multiple shopping lists with intelligent suggestions.
- Effortless Chore Management: Assign tasks, track progress, and ensure fair chore distribution using a points system.
- Simple Bill Splitting: Easily add expenses, track group spending, and see your share of the costs in real-time.
- Synchronized Calendar: Create and share events, set reminders, and coordinate schedules with ease.
- Integrated Chat & Polling: Communicate seamlessly with housemates and make group decisions using integrated polls.
In Conclusion:
OurFlat empowers you to effectively manage your shared living space and enhance your collaborative living experience. Its intuitive interface and practical features make organization and communication effortless. Download now and experience the difference!