NU: Carnival - Bliss is a captivating animated BL game featuring stunning visuals and Japanese voice acting. The game's narrative unfolds on the Klein Continent, where elemental imbalances threaten the land. The player, Eiden, is summoned from another world to assume the role of the vanished Grand Sorcerer Huey, tasked with restoring equilibrium by regulating elemental gemstones.
Eiden's mission involves close interactions with the clan members, unlocking the seals on the gemstones through "intimate exchanges." Each clan member boasts a unique personality and storyline, with multiple branching narratives and exclusive events offering special outfits and compelling scenarios. Players can personalize their home screen with their favorite character.
The game features a stellar cast of Japanese voice actors, bringing the characters to life with captivating performances. The animated characters offer an interactive experience, with dynamic reactions to touch and customizable clothing levels. Intimacy levels increase through gifting within the Temptation system, unlocking unique storylines and increasingly intimate scenes, particularly with SSR characters.
NU: Carnival - Bliss offers a refined turn-based RPG combat system. Players build teams of up to five characters, strategically utilizing type matchups and skills. The combat is visually engaging, with character outfits degrading as they take damage, adding a dynamic layer to the battles. Challenging stages and special game modes provide ongoing engagement.
Connect with NU: Carnival - Bliss on Instagram: and Twitter(X): Contact support at [email protected].
Version 3.4.1 (October 31, 2024) includes minor bug fixes and improvements. Update to enjoy the latest enhancements!