Warframe: 1999, the upcoming prequel expansion, unveils a captivating new anime short. Created by the arthouse studio The Line, this short showcases the Protoframes in action-packed combat against the Techrot. Fans are already dissecting the animation for clues about the game's intriguing plot.
The expansive Warframe universe, already rich with lore, becomes even more mysterious with each reveal about Warframe: 1999. This expansion centers on the Protoframes, human predecessors to the familiar Warframes, as they confront the enigmatic Dr. Entrati and the menacing Techrot. The community eagerly awaits further details.
The new short, titled "The Hex," clocks in at just over a minute and a half, yet delivers intense action and breathtaking animation. Dedicated Warframe players will undoubtedly pore over the details for hidden meanings. Watch it below!
While The Line, an English studio, might not strictly adhere to the definition of an "anime" studio, their work undeniably embodies the style often associated with adult-oriented animation. The quality of the Warframe short is exceptional.
Don't miss out! Pre-register for Warframe: 1999 on Android now! And while you wait, explore other top mobile game releases this month. Check out our weekly roundup of the five best new mobile games!