UNO! is launching a series of winter holiday in-game events, starting with Thanksgiving and running through Christmas. This popular mobile adaptation of the classic card game is capitalizing on the festive season with a lineup of celebratory activities.
First up is "Gobble Up," running from November 18th to 24th. Returning players will recognize elements of this event. Players earn dice during matches, rolling to advance on a game board and help bake delicious pies.
But the fun doesn't stop there! More events are on the way: "Baking Partners" (November 25th - December 1st), "Stack Match" (December 9th - 18th), and "Merry Cakes Partners" (December 23rd - 29th).
Reverse card
UNO!'s winter event lineup is perfectly timed, coinciding with many cultures' holiday breaks. The game is smartly leveraging this period to attract and engage players.
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