Doukutsu Penguin Club's upcoming 3D adventure game, A Tiny Wander, promises a unique and calming experience. Set for release on PC in 2025, with a potential mobile launch, the game casts players as Buu, an anthropomorphic pig on a peculiar package delivery mission through the ominous Forest of No Return.
This nighttime journey isn't about high-stakes action; instead, it focuses on exploration and interaction. Buu will encounter fellow travelers, set up camp, share refreshments, and unravel the mystery surrounding the Moon Mansion's enigmatic master, all while striving to complete his delivery.
The game's unusual premise is far from a horror-themed twist. Instead, A Tiny Wander aims to provide a soothing, exploration-driven adventure. While a Steam release is confirmed for 2025, the mobile version remains uncertain. Hopefully, confirmation will arrive soon, offering a perfect post-holiday relaxation option.
In the meantime, check out our selection of the best relaxing games for iOS and Android!