Pokémon GO's Festival of Colors returns in 2025, bringing a vibrant celebration from March 13th to 17th! Get ready for boosted Pokémon spawns and exciting bonuses.
Celebrate the Festival of Colors with Pokémon GO
Lure Modules will be extended to three hours, maximizing your Pokémon catching opportunities at PokéStops. Bruxish will be appearing more frequently when using Incense (two-hour duration, excluding Daily Adventure Incense). Daily snapshots offer a chance to encounter a Shiny Smeargle.
Regional variations of Floral Flabébé will appear: Red Flower Flabébé (Europe, Middle East, Africa), Blue Flower Flabébé (Asia-Pacific), Yellow Flower Flabébé (Americas), with White and Orange Flower Flabébé appearing globally. Other featured Pokémon include Drowzee, Magikarp, Natu, Aipom, Meditite, and Dwebble.
Mega Swampert will be featured in Mega Raids, and event-themed Field Research tasks will reward Stardust and encounters with featured Pokémon.
Special Bonuses for Holi Players in India
Trainers in India will enjoy regional exclusives, a branching Timed Research questline, one-star raids featuring a Kurta-wearing Pikachu, and extra Candy for catching Pokémon in raids.
Download Pokémon GO from the Google Play Store. Stay tuned for our next article on Netflix's Rise of the Golden Idol and its upcoming DLC, "The Sins of New Wells."