Sonic Galactic: A Sonic Mania-Inspired Fan Game
Sonic Galactic, developed by Starteam, is a fan-made Sonic the Hedgehog game channeling the spirit of 2017's critically acclaimed Sonic Mania. Capitalizing on the enduring popularity of Sonic Mania's pixel art style and classic gameplay, Sonic Galactic offers a nostalgic experience for long-time fans.
The game's development, spanning at least four years, began with its initial reveal at the Sonic Amateur Games Expo in 2020. Starteam envisioned a 32-bit era Sonic game, imagining a hypothetical Sega Saturn release. This retro aesthetic is evident in the game's authentic 2D platforming, while incorporating unique elements.
The recently released second demo (early 2025) provides roughly an hour of gameplay focused on Sonic's levels, with additional content extending the total playtime to a couple of hours. Players can experience all-new zones as the iconic trio—Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles. Expanding on the roster, the demo introduces two new playable characters: Fang the Sniper, a returning character from Sonic Triple Trouble, and Tunnel the Mole, a newcomer hailing from Sonic Frontiers.
Each character boasts unique pathways within each zone, reminiscent of Sonic Mania's level design. The special stages, heavily inspired by Sonic Mania, challenge players to collect rings within a time limit in a 3D environment. While Sonic's levels offer a substantial playtime, the other characters currently have limited stage availability in this demo.
In short, Sonic Galactic provides a compelling blend of classic Sonic gameplay and fresh content, making it a must-play for fans seeking a worthy successor to the spirit of Sonic Mania.