Super Farming Boy: A Speedy Farming Sim is Coming Soon!
Back in April, we previewed the trailer for LemonChili's Super Farming Boy, a farming sim that blends the charm of cozy farming games with lightning-fast arcade action. Remember the "Harvest Moon on steroids" description? That still fits perfectly. The game features a super-powered protagonist (named Super!) who zips around their farm, harvesting crops in stylish combos and chain reactions. Missed the trailer? Check it out!
This week, LemonChili revealed a release roadmap, and the iOS version is now available for pre-order on the App Store! While a full launch isn't imminent (Early Access is slated for Q2 2024, with a full release to follow), pre-ordering the mobile version secures a 20% discount. Intrigued? A playable Windows demo is also available on Steam and, allowing you to experience the high-octane farming firsthand. Regardless of your pre-order decision, Super Farming Boy is a title to watch in the coming year.