Disney Speedstorm welcomes another iconic animated character: Maui! This demi-god, inspired by Polynesian mythology and a breakout star from the beloved film Moana, joins the thrilling race. While Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson won't be voicing him in the game, Maui's arrival is packed with exciting features.
Disney Speedstorm's roster already boasts a fantastic collection of characters from various Disney franchises, making it a dream come true for Disney fans. However, with the recent release of Moana 2, the addition of Maui in Season 11, Part One, is perfectly timed.
Maui's presence needs little explanation. This legendary figure, famously portrayed by Dwayne Johnson, was a standout in Disney's Polynesian-inspired animation. Although he won't have Johnson's voice, his in-game abilities more than compensate.
His signature skill, "Hero to All," lets Maui use his magical fishing hook to send opponents flying. A fully charged version transforms him into a hawk for a powerful counter-attack.
Disney Speedstorm benefits both fans and Disney itself, keeping beloved characters in the spotlight. With Moana 2's apparent success, perhaps this extra boost isn't even necessary!
Maui is expected to rank highly on many Disney Speedstorm tier lists. His ability to disrupt opponents and gain a significant advantage will make him a formidable competitor.
Ready to join the race or return to the track? Don't miss our regularly updated list of Disney Speedstorm codes to gain an edge!