Valve has released another surprise update for Deadlock, this time focusing on a smaller set of changes affecting four heroes. Calico received a substantial nerf, with her Return to Shadows ability significantly weakened. The cooldown has increased by ten seconds, and 20% of its speed boost has been moved to tier 2. Additionally, the damage of her tier 2 Leaping Slash has been reduced.
Sinclair received visual updates with improved sounds and animations, and his Rabbit Hex ability is now area-of-effect (AoE). Holliday and Wraith also saw nerfs in this update.
Item adjustments include a reduction in stacks for Ammo Scavenger, removing its health bonus. Extra Stamina and Restorative Shot no longer provide fire rate and weapon damage bonuses, respectively.
This marks the fifth Deadlock update of 2025 and the first in February. Reflecting a shift in development strategy, Valve is now releasing updates on an as-needed basis rather than adhering to a fixed schedule. This update is a prime example of that flexible approach.