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Crafting the highest-quality outfits in Infinity Nikki requires the finest materials, which are plentiful throughout Miraland. With the help of her loyal companion Momo, Nikki can easily find a variety of adorable and practical items. This engaging fashion-forward gameplay has captivated players since the game's successful launch in December 2024. However, some materials can be more challenging to locate than others.
One essential item you'll frequently use in Infinity Nikki is the Beretsant Feather. These feathers are not found everywhere, so knowing where to look is crucial for your crafting endeavors.
How to Get Beretsant Feather in Infinity Nikki
Beretsant Feathers, while not particularly rare, are exclusive to two neighboring regions in Wishfield: Stoneville and the Abandoned District. You'll need to progress at least to Chapter 3 of the main story questline to access Stoneville and its inhabitants. As you advance and complete quests, you'll unlock the path to the Abandoned District, just beyond Stoneville.
Stoneville, with its charming Lavenfringe-filled streets, is teeming with Beretsant Feathers. The birds that drop them, called Beretsants, are quirky creatures resembling cartoonish roosters. They boast grey and black plumage with a distinctive red beret-shaped crest, which is how they got their name. These birds often wander in pairs or small groups around homes and gardens, and along the town's paths. Their noisy movements make them easy to spot despite their small size.
To collect Beretsant Feathers, equip the Bye Bye Dust ability outfit or any of its stylish alternatives from the ability wheel. Approach a Beretsant; these birds are surprisingly docile. When the blue brush icon appears above their head, groom them to receive 1 x Beretsant Feather and some Grooming Insight.
If you've unlocked the appropriate node on your Heart of Infinity Grid for the Stoneville region, you can also obtain Beretsant Feather Essence after grooming, another valuable crafting item. Additionally, another grid node can be unlocked to earn bonus Grooming Insight points in Stoneville. Both nodes are located on the north side of the grid, with the Beretsant Feather Essence node requiring 7,000 Grooming Insight and the Insight bonus node needing 25,000 Grooming Insight. To speed up this process, visit the Realm of Nourishment at any Warp Spire and use your daily Vital Energy to boost your Grooming Insight.
For those needing multiple Beretsant Feathers, utilize the Map's tracking feature. Open your Map and click the book icon in the bottom left corner to access the Collections menu, which lists all trackable items, including various feathers. After collecting at least one Beretsant Feather, select the pawprint tab, scroll to the Beretsant Feather option, and the nearest Beretsant location will appear on your map, marked by an orange circle. After gathering feathers from that location, the next node will appear. Collecting 50 x Beretsant Feathers unlocks the Precise Tracking feature, which displays approximate locations of all Beretsants across the entire Wishfield map simultaneously.
This upgraded tracking feature not only helps you gather Beretsant Feathers but also aids in locating other rare crafting materials like Crown Fluff, making your journey through Wishfield more efficient.