Play Together’s Kaia Island has been populated by glaciers because of the Ice Queen’s diminishing powers
Embark on a frosty adventure in Play Together's new event! Help Aurora, the Ice Queen, by mining glaciers and completing quests to restore her weakened powers. Win exciting winter-themed rewards along the way! A new year's celebration is also planned, complete with fireworks! Unusual weather has b
Update:Jan 19,2025
Elden Ring DLC Revives FromSoftware Post-Cyberattack
《艾尔登法环》及其DLC《艾尔登法环:雪山之树的阴影》成为其母公司游戏部门业绩强劲增长的主要动力。继续阅读以了解更多关于安全漏洞和角川游戏部门的财务报告。 《艾尔登法环》及其DLC推动角川游戏部门销售增长 角川安全漏洞造成1300万美元损失 6月27日,黑客组织“黑西装”声称对FromSoftware的母公司角川进行了网络攻击,并窃取了大量数据,包括商业计划和用户相关信息。角川于7月3日证实,此次泄露事件涉及所有Dwango员工的个人信息、内部文件以及部分关联公司员工的数据。 据Gamebiz报道,角川公司遭受的安全漏洞给公司造成了约20亿日元(约合1300万美元)的损失,导致净利润比上年下降
Update:Jan 19,2025
Microsoft Edge Game Assist is a \"Game Aware\" Browser
Microsoft Edge 推出游戏辅助浏览器预览版!告别繁琐的 Alt-Tab 切换,尽享流畅游戏体验! Microsoft 推出了 Edge 游戏辅助浏览器预览版,一款旨在优化游戏体验的全新游戏内浏览器。 根据 Microsoft 的数据,“88% 的 PC 玩家在游戏过程中会使用浏览器查找帮助、追踪进度,甚至收听音乐或与朋友聊天。这些操作需要玩家放下手机或 Alt-Tab 切换到桌面,打断游戏进程。” Edge 游戏辅助浏览器应运而生,旨在解决这一痛点。 游戏感知标签 Edge 游戏辅助浏览器是“首款提供丰富游戏中心化浏览体验的游戏内浏览器——包括访问您 PC 和移动设备上的浏
Update:Jan 19,2025
Wuthering Waves - Thessaleo Fells Sonance Casket: Ragunna Locations
Wuthering Waves: A Complete Guide to Locating all 16 Sonance Casket: Ragunna in Thessaleo Fells Sonance Casket: Ragunna, a valuable resource in Wuthering Waves, is found throughout Rinascita. These containers hold fragments of the past and can be efficiently gathered using the Grapple Utility. Col
Update:Jan 19,2025
Florida Judge Wears VR Headset During Court Case
法庭首次采用VR技术,或将改变未来诉讼流程 佛罗里达州的一位法官和其他法院官员在一场案件中使用了虚拟现实头显,以便被告方能够从被告的角度演示一起事件。据信,这是美国法院官员首次(如果不是唯一一次)在法庭案件中使用虚拟现实技术。 尽管虚拟现实技术已经存在多年,但其普及程度远不及传统的电子游戏体验。Meta Quest虚拟现实系列在这方面取得了重大进展,推出了价格合理且无线的头显,使体验更加用户友好,但它仍然远未被广泛采用。在法庭案件中使用VR是一个引人注目的发展,因为它可能会改变未来法律案件的处理方式。 在佛罗里达州,一场“正当防卫”案件的听证会上,使用了VR技术从被告的角度展示了事发经过。被告
Update:Jan 19,2025
Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon is leaving Netflix, but the devs are exploring options to keep it available on mobile
Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon Digs its Way Out of Netflix Games Netflix Games users will soon lose access to Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon, as announced by developer Yacht Club Games. While the game's departure is disappointing, Yacht Club has confirmed it will remain available on other platforms inc
Update:Jan 19,2025
Kingdom Heroes - Empire - All Working Redeem Codes January 2025
Become the ultimate ruler in Kingdom Heroes: Empire! This real-time strategy game casts you as a monarch, responsible for building and governing your own medieval fantasy kingdom. You'll face diverse factions, heroic figures, and fearsome monsters as you strive to expand your territory, amass resou
Update:Jan 19,2025
PUBG Mobile reveals sneak peek at content coming next year as the PMGC 2024 concludes
PUBG Mobile unveils exciting plans for 2025, building on the success of the 2024 Global Championship. Key highlights include new game modes, map additions, anniversary celebrations, and a significant investment in esports. The year kicks off with Metro Royale Chapter 24 in January, featuring a reva
Update:Jan 19,2025
UNO! kicks off the holiday season with the first of a series of in-game events
UNO! is launching a series of winter holiday in-game events, starting with Thanksgiving and running through Christmas. This popular mobile adaptation of the classic card game is capitalizing on the festive season with a lineup of celebratory activities. First up is "Gobble Up," running from Novembe
Update:Jan 19,2025
Urban Legend Hunters 2: Double mixes live-action with virtual worlds, coming soon
Playism's upcoming release, Urban Legend Hunters 2: Double, offers a unique blend of FMV and augmented reality gameplay. Players step into the shoes of an outsider investigating the disappearance of a missing YouTuber who specializes in urban legends. The game features a cast of characters – Rain,
Update:Jan 19,2025