Woori embarks on a new life as a cat influencer, moving into her dream home. But unpacking reveals an unexpected surprise – a furry friend! This isn't quite the housewarming she anticipated.
Item Matching:
Not ready for cat ownership? No problem! Gather food, toys, and furniture through a simple merge mechanic. Find pairs of identical items and combine them to create everything needed to care for your feline companion.
Foster Care:
Offer temporary care for 30 days and help find loving, permanent homes for stray cats. Each cat has its own unique story, and you can play a role in helping them find happiness.
Wake up famous! Become a social media sensation, helping cats find homes along the way. Embark on a journey from fledgling cat influencer to the ultimate "Cat President"! Adorable cats offer a relaxing escape from daily life.
About MeowMeow Foster:
Developed by a studio known for its suicide prevention game, MeowMeow Foster aims to raise awareness about pet adoption. Learn about adoption procedures and current statuses while playing. Share your virtual cat's life on the in-game social network, "MeowMeowStar," and enjoy the unique experience of becoming a cat influencer. Cute cats and collectible items await!