The latest Bussid liveries are highly sought after by players of Bus Simulator Indonesia. But what exactly *is* a Bussid livery?
What is a Bussid Livery?
A Bussid livery is essentially a skin or design applied to vehicles within the Bus Simulator Indonesia game. Think of it as a virtual uniform for your in-game bus, often representing a real-world bus company. Here's what you need to know:
- Liveries are applied by selecting a picture file through the in-game menu: Garage > Use > Palette (Painting Logo).
- You can create your own livery designs using a template.
- To change a livery, you must first select the vehicle in your garage.
- Each vehicle type in Bussid has a different livery template, so download liveries that match your bus type.
- For the clearest results, select high resolution when applying the livery, or ensure you download HD quality liveries that are not blurry.
If you're comfortable with image editing, you can create your own liveries. However, you'll need a template: a .png file for editing on Android, and a .psd file for editing on a computer using software like Photoshop.