도구 RealMax Scientific Calculator
RealMax Scientific Calculator

RealMax Scientific Calculator 비율 : 4.5

  • 범주 : 도구
  • 버전 : 3.0.6
  • 크기 : 7.74M
  • 개발자 : RealMax LK
  • 업데이트 : Nov 19,2024
Application Description

Introducing RealMax Scientific Calculator, a must-have app for all your mathematical tasks. With its extensive features, this app allows you to perform all basic mathematical operations, as well as trigonometric, hyperbolic, logarithmic, and complex number operations. It also offers matrix operations, supports fractions, and allows for degree, minute, and second calculations. With the ability to solve linear and polynomial equations, this app is a powerful tool for both students and professionals. Additionally, you can plot graphs, convert units, and access predefined scientific constants. And if you're using a Samsung device, enjoy the convenience of multi-window support. Help us improve by translating the app and explore our FAQ section for further assistance. Swipe or long press the DEL button to access the option menu, and easily browse your calculation history with up and down arrow keys.

Features of RealMax Scientific Calculator:

  • User-friendly interface: This app is designed to be easy to use and navigate, making it accessible for all users.
  • Comprehensive mathematical operations: The app offers all basic mathematical operations, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
  • Trigonometric and hyperbolic operations: Users can perform trigonometric and hyperbolic calculations effortlessly.
  • Advanced functions: The app supports logarithmic operations, complex number operations, and matrix operations.
  • Wide range of conversion options: Users can convert between different number systems, such as HEX, DEC, OCT, and BIN. Additionally, they can perform common unit conversions.
  • Additional features: The app allows users to solve linear and polynomial equations, plot graphs, and access predefined scientific constants. It also offers support for Samsung Multi Window.


This RealMax Scientific Calculator app is packed with comprehensive mathematical operations, advanced functions, and a wide range of conversion options. With additional features like equation solving, graph plotting, and multi-window support, this app is a must-have for anyone in need of a powerful and versatile calculator. Download now and enhance your mathematical tasks effortlessly.

RealMax Scientific Calculator 스크린샷 0
RealMax Scientific Calculator 스크린샷 1
RealMax Scientific Calculator 스크린샷 2
RealMax Scientific Calculator 스크린샷 3
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