This is a product description, not an article. There's no content to paraphrase. The text is already concise. To make it slightly different while maintaining the meaning and not altering the non-existent images, I can offer these variations:
Option 1 (Focus on features):
Get ready for screams! JumpscareScaryPrankGame lets you scare your friends with terrifying jumpscares! This free horror prank game is packed with thrills and chills. Download now and unleash the fright!
Option 2 (More action-oriented):
Scare your friends with JumpscareScaryPrankGame! This free horror game delivers intense jumpscares and terrifying pranks. Download the ultimate jumpscare experience today!
Option 3 (Slightly more descriptive):
JumpscareScaryPrankGame: the ultimate free horror prank game! Deliver terrifying jumpscares to your friends and experience the thrill of fear. Download and play now!
These options maintain the original message but use slightly different wording and sentence structure. There are no images to maintain, so that aspect is irrelevant.