ニュース キングダム・カム:バッジ・オブ・名誉が解き放たれました


著者 : Zoe Feb 25,2025


  • Kingdom Come:Deliverance 2 *でダイスゲームをマスターして、これらのバッジの場所で!

Kingdom Come:Deliverance 2 のサイコロゲームを強力なバッジを取得することで、Groschen収益を増やしてください。このガイドは、すべての31バッジ、その効果、および既知の場所を詳しく説明しています。このガイドは、より多くの場所が発見されているため更新されます。

Tin Doppelganger’s BadgeDoubles the points of your last throw (once per game).TBD
Tin Badge of HeadstartSmall point headstart (once per game).TBD
Tin Badge of DefenceNegates opponent's Tin badges.TBD
Tin Badge of FortuneReroll one die (once per game).TBD
Tin Badge of MightAdd one extra die (once per game).TBD
Tin Badge of TransmutationChange one die to a 3 (once per game).TBD
Carpenter’s Badge of Advantage3+5 forms "The Cut" (repeatable).TBD
Tin Warlord’s Badge25% more points this turn (once per game).Looted from Ursula’s Mother during "All’s Fair" quest.
Tin Badge of ResurrectionReroll after an unlucky throw (once per game).TBD
Silver Doppelganger’s BadgeDoubles the points of your last throw (twice per game).Looted from a soldier on the Trosky Castle balcony during "Storm" quest.
Silver Badge of HeadstartModerate point headstart.TBD
Silver Badge of DefenceNegates opponent's Silver badges.TBD
Silver Swap-Out BadgeReroll one die (once per game).TBD
Silver Badge of FortuneReroll up to two dice (once per game).TBD
Silver Badge of MightAdd one extra die (twice per game).TBD
Silver Badge of TransmutationChange one die to a 5 (once per game).TBD
Executioner’s Badge of Advantage4+5+6 forms "The Gallows" (repeatable).TBD
Silver Warlord’s Badge50% more points this turn (once per game).Looted from the Scribe’s Chambers in Trosky Castle during "Storm" quest; also found in a hard lockpick chest in Hendi von Grolle’s room during "The Fifth Commandment" quest.
Silver Badge of ResurrectionReroll after an unlucky throw (twice per game).TBD
Silver King’s BadgeAdd one extra die (twice per game).TBD
Gold Doppelganger BadgeDoubles the points of your last throw (thrice per game).TBD
Gold Badge of HeadstartLarge point headstart.TBD
Gold Badge of DefenceNegates opponent's Gold badges.TBD
Gold Swap-Out BadgeReroll two dice of the same value (once per game).TBD
Gold Badge of FortuneReroll up to three dice (once per game).TBD

金> < <ゲーム) > tbd ゴールドウォーロードのバッジ このターン(1回あたり1回ゲーム)。 金皇帝のバッジ 1+1+1のトリプルポイント(繰り返し)。tbd ゴールドウェディングバッジ3回のサイコロ(ゲームごとに1回)。 In SemineのInnkeeper Bettyとのサイコロゲームで。追加の Kingdom Come:Deliverance 2 Guidesについては、Espapistをご覧ください。

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