ニュース Honkai Impact 3rd to launch version 8.0 In Search of the Sun this month

Honkai Impact 3rd to launch version 8.0 In Search of the Sun this month

著者 : Lucas Jan 22,2025

Honkai Impact 3rd's Sun-Kissed Update Arrives January 9th!

Get ready to escape the winter chill with Honkai Impact 3rd's new update, "In Search of the Sun," launching January 9th! This update brings a wealth of new content, starting with a major addition: Durandal's brand-new battlesuit, Reign Solaris.

Reign Solaris is an IMG-type Physical DMG dealer, showcasing a more agile and nimble Durandal. Players can switch between two distinct modes: Rampager, focusing on powerful charged attacks, and Skyrider, enabling swift battlefield movement. Don't forget to acquire Durandal's signature weapons: Valorous Effulgence and its PRI-ARM upgrade, Valorous Effulgence: New Voyage.

The adventure continues with "Bouquets of Unfulfilled Wishes," expanding the storyline. The Dreamseeker and her companion return to the Mars system to delve deeper into the Ten Shus war. Expect thrilling action, emotional moments, and a unique puzzle-solving minigame, "On-Duty Work Guide," where you'll maneuver Cube-ianka across a 3D grid.


Massive Crystal Rewards and More!

Earn a share of a staggering 60,000,000 Crystals by completing main story chapters – but act fast, as the Crystal pool is shared! For a more relaxed experience, participate in the new featured event, "Countdown: To Sweet Dreams." Reunite with familiar characters like Mei, Theresa, and Fu Hua, battle a bizarre new boss, and command followers in strategic combat. Collect Crystals, Source Prisms, and more, including Senadina's stylish new outfit, "Steering Inequations." Consult our Honkai Impact tier list to optimize your team composition!

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