ニュース Dr Disrespect Admits to \'Twitch Whisper Messages With an Individual Minor\'

Dr Disrespect Admits to \'Twitch Whisper Messages With an Individual Minor\'

著者 : Nicholas Jan 22,2025

Dr Disrespect Admits to \

Dr Disrespect, the popular streamer known as Herschel "Guy" Beahm IV, has publicly acknowledged inappropriate messaging with an underage individual, explaining the reason behind his 2020 Twitch ban. This admission follows a Twitter claim by former Twitch employee Cody Conners alleging "sexting a minor" via Twitch Whispers.

Four years after his ban and subsequent legal settlement with Twitch, Beahm initially denied wrongdoing. However, he later released a statement confirming inappropriate conversations with a minor via Twitch Whispers, a feature since discontinued. Crucially, he clarified that these interactions occurred in 2017, not immediately prior to his ban as initially speculated. Beahm maintains there were no malicious intentions and no in-person meetings. This statement, viewed millions of times within hours of its release, drew criticism for initially omitting the word "minor," a detail subsequently restored.

The controversy also impacted Beahm's involvement with Midnight Society, the game development studio he co-founded. While Midnight Society cited maintaining its principles in severing ties with him, Beahm described the decision as a mutual one, offering apologies to his staff, community, and family.

Despite the fallout, Dr Disrespect plans a return to streaming after an extended break, aiming to move forward after facing accusations and online criticism. He rejects the "predator" label applied by some social media users.

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