ニュース New Developments in "Indiana Jones and the Great Circle": Unveiling Museum Wing Storage Safe Code

New Developments in "Indiana Jones and the Great Circle": Unveiling Museum Wing Storage Safe Code

著者 : Jack Jan 22,2025

New Developments in "Indiana Jones and the Great Circle": Unveiling Museum Wing Storage Safe Code

This guide details how to locate and unlock the safe in the Museum Wing Storage Room within the Vatican City section of Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny. This safe holds a valuable artifact for your collection.

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Many locked containers await players in the Vatican City area of Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny. While many require finding a code on a note, some, like this safe, have cleverly concealed combinations.

Unlocking the Museum Wing Storage Room Safe

Upon entering the Museum Wing storage room, you'll see a locked safe. Unlike many safes, there's no accompanying note with the code. To find the combination:

  1. Locate the green lamp on a crate to the left of the safe.
  2. Switch off the lamp. This action reveals the code, written in pink on the wooden crates.
  3. The safe code is 7171. Enter this code into the safe to open it.

Inside, you'll find a Drinking Horn artifact, adding another item to your Lost Artifacts of Europe collection.

Locating the Museum Wing Storage Room Safe

The Museum Wing storage room is situated between the Belvedere Courtyard and the Pharmacy in Vatican City.

  1. Proceed from the Belvedere Courtyard to the right.
  2. You'll see a gate leading into the Museum Wing courtyard.
  3. Follow the courtyard until you find an open door at its end.
  4. This door leads directly to the storage room containing the locked safe.

Now you can use the instructions above to unlock the safe and claim your reward.

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