ニュース Bethesda Game’s The Elder Scrolls: Castles Is Now Out On Mobile

Bethesda Game’s The Elder Scrolls: Castles Is Now Out On Mobile

著者 : Andrew Jan 22,2025

Bethesda Game’s The Elder Scrolls: Castles Is Now Out On Mobile

In the ever-shifting world of The Elder Scrolls: Castles, now available on mobile, citizens are born and die, while rulers rise and fall. If you enjoy management and simulation games, this title is worth exploring.

The Elder Scrolls: Castles marks Bethesda Game Studios' third mobile entry in the franchise, following The Elder Scrolls: Legends and The Elder Scrolls: Blades. This adds to the extensive series of PC and console titles, including Arena, Skyrim, Morrowind, and Oblivion.

Maintaining a Thriving Kingdom in The Elder Scrolls: Castles

As a ruler in this management sim, you oversee your dynasty within the Tamriel kingdom, situated on the planet Nirn. A core gameplay element involves constructing magnificent castles to house your populace.

The game boasts visually appealing castles. Your role demands resource management and ensuring adequate housing for all citizens. Customize your castle with rooms, decorations, and furnishings to your liking.

The game incorporates turn-based combat, allowing you to train heroes and engage classic Elder Scrolls enemies. Strategic resource allocation among your team is crucial for maintaining prosperity.

A Fast-Paced Kingdom

The game's unique time scale compresses a year into a single real-world day, making it a less time-intensive simulation. Reward systems add an engaging element to the gameplay.

Developed and published by Bethesda, known for titles like Fallout Shelter and the Doom series, The Elder Scrolls: Castles is available on the Google Play Store. Be sure to check it out!

For more gaming news, read our next article: F.I.S.T. Returns! Now Available on Sound Realms, the Audio RPG Platform.

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