アプリ おしゃれな生活 IDV - IMAIOS DICOM Viewer

IDV - IMAIOS DICOM Viewer レート : 4.3

Application Description
Need a secure and user-friendly way to view and interact with DICOM files (ultrasound, MRI, PET scans, etc.)? IMAIOS's IDV DICOM Viewer app is the answer. Effortlessly scroll through images, adjust contrast, and make measurements – ideal for medical students, professionals, and anyone interested in medical imaging. Your data remains private and secure; it's never uploaded to the cloud. Access files from your device or online sources – all for free for personal use. While not intended for clinical diagnosis, it's a powerful tool for DICOM file viewing.

Key Features of the IDV - IMAIOS DICOM Viewer:

  • Uncompromising Privacy: Your health information is safe; data stays on your device and is not transmitted online.
  • Extensive Compatibility: View and manage a wide range of DICOM files, including ultrasound, CT scans, MRI, and PET scans.
  • Easy Access: Open files from your device or online storage with ease.
  • Free for Personal Use: Enjoy this powerful tool at no cost for personal, non-commercial use.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Is my data secure? Absolutely! Data remains on your device and is not shared online.
  • Which DICOM file types are supported? IDV supports all major DICOM file types, including ultrasound, CT, MRI, and PET.
  • Can I use this for clinical work? No, IDV is not validated for clinical use and should not be used for diagnostic purposes.


IMAIOS's IDV DICOM Viewer provides a safe and easy way to view and manipulate DICOM images. Its broad compatibility, user-friendly interface, and free personal use make it a valuable resource for medical professionals and students. While not a clinical diagnostic tool, it's a highly effective solution for personal DICOM file management. Download IDV today and experience its advantages.

IDV - IMAIOS DICOM Viewer スクリーンショット 0
IDV - IMAIOS DICOM Viewer スクリーンショット 1
IDV - IMAIOS DICOM Viewer スクリーンショット 2
IDV - IMAIOS DICOM Viewer スクリーンショット 3
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