Heim Nachricht Holen Sie sich alle Outfits mit Leichtigkeit in Infinity Nikki!

Holen Sie sich alle Outfits mit Leichtigkeit in Infinity Nikki!

Autor : Harper Jan 24,2025
Outfit and AbilityAcquisition MethodCrafting Materials
Bubbly Voyage (Floating)Unlocked at game start.Base: Lampchilli x8, Threads of Purity x26

Evolution: Bling x30,000, Threads of Purity x100, Calm Thoughts x7

Wind of Purity (Purification)Unlocked at game start.Base: Woolfruit x3, Buttoncones x2, Daisies x2, Threads of Purity x26 Evolution: Bling x30,000, Threads of Purity x100, Calm Thoughts x7
Bye-Bye Dust (Animal Grooming)Unlocked in Florawish.Base: Daisies x4, Threads of Purity x24

Evolution: Bling x30,000, Threads of Purity x100, Calm Thoughts x7

Afternoon Shine (Bug Catching)Unlocked after obtaining Bye-Bye Dust in Florawish.Base: Starlit Plum x1, Daisies x2, Floof Yarn x1, Threads of Purity x30 Evolution: Bling x30,000, Threads of Purity x100, Calm Thoughts x7
Rippling Serenity (Fishing)Unlocked in Florawish.Base: Daisies x5, Foodie Bee x1, Floof Yarn x1, Threads of Purity x72

    Evolution: Bling x30,000, Threads of Purity x100, Calm Thoughts x7
Fully Charged (Electrician)Unlocked via main quest; unmissable.Base: Daisies x4, Foodie Bee x1, Floof Yarn x1, Threads of Purity x148
  • Evolution: Bling x30,000, Threads of Purity x100, Calm Thoughts x7
    Floral Memory (Floral Gliding)Unlocked in Stoneville.Base: Sunpetal Sheet x1, Foodie Bee x3, Pearl Wings x2, Florescent Wool x3, Threads of Purity x360
  • Evolution: Bling x330,000, Threads of Purity x100, Calm Thoughts x7
    Starlet Burst (Shrinking)To be determined.Evolution: Bling x330,000, Threads of Purity x100, Calm Thoughts x7
    Symphony of Strings (Violinist)Unlocked in the Abandoned District.Base: 2kg Kerchief Fish, Pearly Shells x4, Threads of Purity x330

    Evolution: Bling x330,000, Threads of Purity x100, Calm Thoughts x7

    Bevor Sie sich auf Ihr Miraland-Abenteuer begeben, sollten Sie den Abschluss der Hauptquests priorisieren, um Nikkis volles Potenzial freizusetzen. In dieser Anleitung erfahren Sie, wie Sie alle Fähigkeiten-Outfits in Infinity Nikki erwerben.


    Outfit and AbilityAcquisition MethodCrafting Materials
    Bubbly Voyage (Floating)Unlocked at game start.Base: Lampchilli x8, Threads of Purity x26

    Evolution: Bling x30,000, Threads of Purity x100, Calm Thoughts x7

    Wind of Purity (Purification)Unlocked at game start.Base: Woolfruit x3, Buttoncones x2, Daisies x2, Threads of Purity x26

    Evolution: Bling x30,000, Threads of Purity x100, Calm Thoughts x7

    Bye-Bye Dust (Animal Grooming)Unlocked in Florawish.Base: Daisies x4, Threads of Purity x24

    Evolution: Bling x30,000, Threads of Purity x100, Calm Thoughts x7

    Afternoon Shine (Bug Catching)Unlocked after obtaining Bye-Bye Dust in Florawish.Base: Starlit Plum x1, Daisies x2, Floof Yarn x1, Threads of Purity x30

    Evolution: Bling x30,000, Threads of Purity x100, Calm Thoughts x7

    Rippling Serenity (Fishing)Unlocked in Florawish.Base: Daisies x5, Foodie Bee x1, Floof Yarn x1, Threads of Purity x72

    Evolution: Bling x30,000, Threads of Purity x100, Calm Thoughts x7

    Fully Charged (Electrician)Unlocked via main quest; unmissable.Base: Daisies x4, Foodie Bee x1, Floof Yarn x1, Threads of Purity x148

    Evolution: Bling x30,000, Threads of Purity x100, Calm Thoughts x7

    Floral Memory (Floral Gliding)Unlocked in Stoneville.Base: Sunpetal Sheet x1, Foodie Bee x3, Pearl Wings x2, Florescent Wool x3, Threads of Purity x360

    Evolution: Bling x330,000, Threads of Purity x100, Calm Thoughts x7

    Starlet Burst (Shrinking)To be determined.Evolution: Bling x330,000, Threads of Purity x100, Calm Thoughts x7
    Symphony of Strings (Violinist)Unlocked in the Abandoned District.Base: 2kg Kerchief Fish, Pearly Shells x4, Threads of Purity x330

    Evolution: Bling x330,000, Threads of Purity x100, Calm Thoughts x7

    <🎜>Alle Fähigkeiten-Outfits in Infinity Nikki freischalten<🎜> <🎜>Wie man Outfits herstellt<🎜> <🎜> <🎜><🎜>Alle Fähigkeiten-Outfits in Infinity Nikki freischalten<🎜><🎜> <🎜>Deine Fähigkeiten in <🎜>Infinity Nikki<🎜> sind untrennbar mit bestimmten Outfits verbunden. Es stehen neun einzigartige Fähigkeiten zur Verfügung, die jeweils spezifische Outfits und Handwerksmaterialien erfordern.<🎜> <🎜>

    Wie man Outfits herstellt

    Crafting Outfits

    Whimstars sind erforderlich, um Outfit-Skizzen freizuschalten. Greifen Sie auf das Herz der Unendlichkeit zu (I-Taste), wählen Sie die gewünschte Skizze aus und tauschen Sie Whimstars dafür ein. Öffnen Sie dann das Skizzenmenü (Y-Taste), wählen Sie das Outfit aus und fertigen Sie es mit den erforderlichen Materialien an.

    Damit ist der Leitfaden zum Erhalt aller Fähigkeiten-Outfits in Infinity Nikki abgeschlossen. Wenden Sie sich an The Escapist, um weitere Spieltipps zu erhalten, einschließlich Informationen zum Koop-Mehrspielermodus und einer vollständigen Codeliste.

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