Heim Nachricht All Kindled Inspiration Quests in Infinity Nikki

All Kindled Inspiration Quests in Infinity Nikki

Autor : Leo Jan 24,2025

In Infinity Nikki, becoming Miraland's top stylist offers numerous avenues for progression, a fact appreciated by players since the game's December 2024 launch. Whether it's collecting resources, exploring Wishfield, or completing rewarding quests, there's always something to do. Quests, particularly Kindled Inspiration quests, are especially valuable, utilizing Nikki's styling skills.

Kindled Inspiration quests in Infinity Nikki involve dressing Nikki to inspire various characters. The rewards? Unique fashion items! These quests are scattered throughout Miraland.

How to Complete Kindled Inspiration Quests

Kindled Inspiration quests require helping Miraland NPCs find inspiration from Nikki's outfits. Found across Wishfield, they unlock automatically after certain quests or by interacting with specific NPCs.

The NPC will describe the desired theme and aesthetic. You then select the appropriate outfit or item from your wardrobe. A successful choice triggers a cutscene, resulting in a sketch and thanks from the inspired NPC.

Rewards typically include Bling, Diamonds, Shiny Bubbles, and a rare fashion sketch.

All Kindled Inspiration Quests in Infinity Nikki

Below is a list of current Kindled Inspiration quests, including starting location, required outfit, and rewards. This list will be updated as new quests are added. Note that some quests are time-limited.

Kindled Inspiration Quests:

  • Kindled Inspiration: Lucky Clothing (Shooting Stars season, expires January 23, 2025)

    • NPC: Mysti
    • Location: Northeast of Cicia Art Academy Field Base Warp Spire, Breezy Meadow
    • Outfit: Rippling Serenity (default fishing outfit)
    • Rewards: 30 Diamonds, 100 Shiny Bubbles, 30,000 Bling
  • Kindled Inspiration: Friendship Glow (Companion's Day event, expired December 29, 2024)

    • NPC: Emabul
    • Location: East of Florawish's Great Wishtree
    • Outfit: Twinkling Refractions (hair accessory from Bubbly Voyage outfit)
    • Rewards: 30 Diamonds, 30,000 Bling
  • Kindled Inspiration: Weave Fantasy

    • NPC: Bianbo
    • Location: East of Wish Celebration Center Warp Spire, Wishing Woods
    • Outfit: 2 Fantasy-tagged items (not from the same outfit)
    • Rewards: 10 Diamonds, Bottle of Truth (necklace) sketch
  • Kindled Inspiration: Glimpse of Sunset

    • NPC: Oguda
    • Location: Peninsula south of Wishing Wood's Great Tree (near Coming of Age Ceremony)
    • Outfit: Glimpse of Sunset glasses (Marques' shop, Florawish)
    • Rewards: 10 Diamonds, Infinite Hope (facewear) sketch
  • Kindled Inspiration: Fragrant Reward (Penny, daytime, sunny weather)

    • NPC: Penny
    • Location: Abandoned District
    • Outfit: Purple Thoughts handheld accessory (main story reward)
    • Rewards: 20 Diamonds, Surprise Invitation (hair accessory) sketch
  • Kindled Inspiration: Super Waterproof

    • NPC: Arlda
    • Location: Grandtree Residential Area, Wishing Woods
    • Outfit: Azure Ripples headpiece (Bye-Bye Dust outfit)
    • Rewards: 20 Diamonds, Gathering Drops (head accessory) sketch
  • Kindled Inspiration: Warm Protection

    • NPC: Vendita
    • Location: Heartcraft Kingdom Outpost Warp Spire
    • Outfit: Midnight Moon gloves (Marques' shop, Florawish)
    • Rewards: 20 Diamonds, Crimson Snowstorm (top) sketch
  • Kindled Inspiration: Perfect Pair

    • NPC: Franklie
    • Location: Windrider Mill, Abandoned District
    • Outfit: Fragrant Reverie dress (sketch west of 'By the Stylists' Guild Memorial Spire) or any 'Pastoral' dress
    • Rewards: Perfect Pair (dress) sketch
  • Kindled Inspiration: Fortune's Favor (daytime only)

    • NPC: Mysti
    • Location: Northeast of Cicia Art Academy Field Base Warp Spire, Breezy Meadow
    • Outfit: Little Luck socks (Afternoon Shine outfit)
    • Rewards: 20 Diamonds, Lucky Knot (bracelet) sketch
  • Kindled Inspiration: Deft Exuberance (daytime only)

    • NPC: Peysi
    • Location: Meadow Activity Support Center, Breezy Meadow
    • Outfit: Swift Leap shorts (chest at Old Florawish Memorial)
    • Rewards: 20 Diamonds, Gentle Sunshine (headpiece) sketch
  • Kindled Inspiration: Transformation

    • NPC: Rosalie
    • Location: North of Lavenfringe Fields Warp Spire, Stoneville
    • Outfit: Rippling Waves hair (Rippling Serenity outfit) or any 'Simple' hairstyle
    • Rewards: 20 Diamonds, Quick Ponytail (hairstyle) sketch
  • Kindled Inspiration: Goodnight Signal (nighttime only)

    • NPC: Fabrizio
    • Location: South of Lavenfringe Fields Warp Spire, Stoneville
    • Outfit: Three 'Home'-tagged items (many available at Marques' shop, Florawish)
    • Rewards: 20 Diamonds, Heavy Eyelids (headpiece) sketch
  • Kindled Inspiration: Natural Design

    • NPC: Velly
    • Location: East of Bug Cabin, Breezy Meadow (near pond)
    • Outfit: Woolfruit Growth outerwear (Marques' shop, Florawish)
    • Rewards: 20 Diamonds, Hundred Daisies (top) sketch
  • Kindled Inspiration: Animal Traces

    • NPC: Auri
    • Location: North of Stoneville Entrance Warp Spire, Breezy Meadow (near sheep paddock)
    • Outfit: Mark of Life top (sketch south of Relic Hill Warp Spire)
    • Rewards: 20 Diamonds, Peace With Birds (headpiece) sketch
  • Kindled Inspiration: Yesteryear's She

    • NPC: Alber
    • Location: In front of Mayor's Residence, Florawish
    • Outfit: Paper Crane's Flight (reward from Kilo the Cadenceborn)
    • Rewards: 20 Diamonds, Nostalgic Blossom (hairstyle) sketch
  • Kindled Inspiration: Blossom Walk

    • NPC: Narci
    • Location: North of Mayor's Residence, Florawish (watering flowerbushes)
    • Outfit: Floral Stroll shoes (Marques' shop, Florawish)
    • Rewards: 20 Diamonds, Breeze-Kissed Blooms (headpiece) sketch
  • Kindled Inspiration: Camouflage

    • NPC: Rosy
    • Location: Path to Dream Warehouse, north Florawish
    • Outfit: Wishful Pact skirt (Marques' shop, Florawish)
    • Rewards: 20 Diamonds, Starlit Night (headpiece) sketch

(Detailed guides for each quest are available via links in the original text, but are omitted here for brevity).

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