Unlock crypto rewards and acquire real-world Web3 skills with BitDegree Missions!
Earn Crypto Airdrops and Rewards: Complete BitDegree's Web3 Missions, refer friends, and receive crypto rewards from leading brands. Collect exclusive airdrops, tokens, stablecoins, physical products, welcome bonuses, and valuable prizes.
Explore Engaging Missions: Discover numerous engaging missions designed to introduce you to top Web3 brands such as Binance, Ledger, Kraken, Coinbase, and more. Learn about promising projects – the more missions you complete, the higher your chances of winning rewards and earning crypto!
Ace Micro-Tasks: Each mission involves solving micro-tasks, including selecting or typing correct answers, ordering answers, or completing actions on third-party platforms. All correct answers are easily found within BitDegree's learning materials using a dedicated search tool. Successfully completing more tasks translates to more rewards and free crypto!
Collect Bits and Boost Your Degree: Play and earn, complete micro-tasks, and accumulate Bits. The more tasks and missions you successfully complete, the greater your Bit reward and overall Degree score. Your Degree unlocks access to Lucky Draw rewards, crypto airdrops, and special prizes. More Bits accelerate your Degree growth. Referring others is the easiest way to earn Bits and win crypto rewards!
Maintain Your Winning Streak: Completing at least one round daily increases your Streak, boosting dedication and providing extra rewards every 10th Streak. Skipping too many days resets your Streak. Each Streak Break protects your Streak for up to three days. Focus on earning crypto and use Streak Breaks only in emergencies!
Gain Valuable Web3 Skills: Each mission aims to provide free crypto airdrops and rewards while enhancing your Web3 knowledge through fun, incentivized learning. BitDegree employs a Play-and-Earn model to seamlessly onboard Web2 users into the Web3 space. Gamified learning makes mastering Web3 a breeze.
Join Guilds and Fanbases: BitDegree Missions host communities for major brands. Collaborate with fanbases to conquer missions for your favorite brands, learn about Web3, and earn crypto rewards! Join exciting crypto communities, complete Guild Missions for Web3 projects, and explore the Web3 world!
Follow BitDegree on X (Twitter) and Discord for exclusive offers and insights!
Twitter: https://x.com/bitdegree Discord: https://discord.com/invite/NXNN5tjA7g BitDegree Website: https://www.bitdegree.org