Welcome to the BAPPL loyalty application, your gateway to exclusive coupon redemption as a loyal BAPPL customer. At BAPPL, we're dedicated to providing the finest rice varieties, including Gobindobhog Rice, Kaima Rice, Jerragasamba Rice, Jeerakasala Rice, Swarna Rice, and more. Our loyalty app empowers you to earn rewards on purchases, place bulk orders, and enjoy convenient doorstep delivery. We're committed to enhancing your shopping experience, and this user-friendly app simplifies coupon redemption and cashback. Simply sign up, verify your account, and unlock the benefits of being a BAPPL loyalist. Download the app today and embrace the joy of instant voucher redemption, becoming a savvy rice shopper. Share your feedback with us at [email protected] – your input is invaluable for future improvements.
Features of BAPPL loyalty application:
- Exclusive Coupon Redemption: Effortlessly redeem your exclusive coupon codes for discounts and seasonal offers, designed specifically for loyal customers of Bardhaman Agro Products I Private Limited.
- Effortless Sign Up and Log In: Sign up or log in with ease using your basic details like name, phone number, email ID, and password.
- Streamlined Coupon Redemption: Experience a seamless coupon redemption process. Scan your coupon or enter the 12-digit scratch card ID to redeem your offers in seconds.
- Convenient Cashback Transfer: Receive your cashback directly into your bank account, ensuring a hassle-free and swift reward redemption experience.
- Transparent Transaction History: View your complete transaction history, including total rewards earned, providing a clear overview of your loyalty journey.
- Simple Download and Membership: Non-members can easily download the app by scanning the QR code and sign up for free, instantly becoming a smart rice shopper and enjoying the benefits of instant voucher redemption.
The BAPPL loyalty app offers a wealth of features for Bardhaman Agro Products I Private Limited customers, including effortless coupon redemption, hassle-free cashback transfer, and access to your transaction history. Download the app and become a member to elevate your rice shopping experience and take advantage of exclusive offers and discounts. Don't miss out on the opportunity to redeem your rewards and make every purchase more rewarding. Download the BAPPL loyalty app now and start enjoying the benefits!