"What's Up Till August?" is a captivating question-and-answer card game designed for two or more friends. Created by the innovative team behind the Avgvst jewelry brand, this game features cards posing thought-provoking questions you've likely never directly addressed, and perhaps no one has ever thought to ask. Each card serves as a springboard for engaging conversations, fostering deeper connections with others.
This game offers a unique opportunity to:
- Clarify your values and priorities.
- Engage in meaningful conversations without pressure.
- Discover new facets of your friends' personalities.
- Gain clarity on your future goals.
- Better understand your daily habits and decisions.
- Strengthen relationships.
What's New in Version 3.0.5 (Last updated December 20, 2024):
The new Avgvst x NEN deck is now available in the app! Additionally, the deck no longer resets to the beginning if the screen turns off.